Request to give products their own tab.
Currently to be able to take actions on your products in the system you need access them from the Suppliers tab.
This is a request to give the products tab their own dashboard.
On this dashboard you will need to be able to upload the product list and decide if the product(s) needs to be open to one, a few Or all suppliers. At the moment you have to copy one Item across all suppliers that you want it to be available for using the current product export file.
On this tab you should also be able to search for a product and have an overview of that product's purchase history. For example, If one was to search for a specific item, you will need to see ONLY ONE instance of the item instead of a list of duplicates. Once you look at the product history you need to be able to see which supplier it was last purchased from along with the previous price etc.
Comments: 1
20 Nov, '20
Tom Lydon100% exactlly what i need, as a procurement manager my sole purpose is being able to purchase material at better rates. i really need my products listed with a purchase history not only for one specific supplier but for all.
it would need to have a search portal so i could search for my product within the whole product list.